Maximum Hydration Control

Less shrinkage, Crazing, Cracking, & Mottling

Fortify the Mix Water, Fortify the Pool Finish!

Hydration is the Challenge…
HyrdaMix is the Solution!

HydraMix added to portland cement Pool Finish “mix water” will convert conventional mix designs to high-performance mix designs, generating the production of a pool finish that is extra­ordinarily hard, dense and impermeable.

HydraMix utilization in batching portland cement pool finish significantly reduces finish’s total air-void content as it greatly improves its workability, and significantly lowers the loss of water volumes. This action aids in the placement of finishes during hot and sunny days which will slow or stop shrinkage crack potential.

Hydramix in the finish mix water will result in denser, more impermeable, and significantly more durable pool finish that has greater resistance to acid and chemical contaminate ingress, giving the pool finish a “buffer zone” of protection.

HydraMix aids in the washdown process and holds more of the aggregate and pebble in place giving a more uniformed look. 

Proper use and directions



  • All pool cement finishes
  • All preblended bag finishes
  • All pebble bead, and quartz finishes
  • Old-school marcite finishes
  • Thinset, grout, and shotcrete


  • Consistent workability and pumping
  • Less shrinkage, crazing, cracking, and mottling
  • Less calcium bleed out, silting, and alkali spiking
  • Increased acid and chemical-resistant
  • Virtually eliminate hydration call-back issues


Concrete Patio, Pool & Wall Sealer

Concrete Pool Area Protectant Sealer

Pool Interior Protectant Sealer

Concrete Pool Wall Protectant Sealer

Harnessing the power of HYDRAMIX and DIS, we empower you to conquer the myriad challenges associated with concrete and pool finishes. Whether you’re a pool contractor, finishing contractor, or pool finish manufacturer, our tailored program is designed to elevate your success to unprecedented heights.

Hydramix is a REVOLUTIONARY Concrete Mix Design product that has no equal in today’s concrete manufacturing.

Concrete professionals immediately see the difference Hydramix makes to the concrete. Hydramix creates a more homogenous mix, meaning the concrete is consistent from the start of the placement to the end of the placement. Hydramix doesn’t allow separation of the mix, like normal barches tend to do. The finishers enjoy Hydramix concrete because the workability is dramatically increased and, when properly mixed, there’s no bleed water, or water of convenience to wait for. Finish time is reduced by as much as 25%. And that means labor savings and better project time management

MIDCAL INTERNATIONAL LLC CONCRETE PRODUCTS: Elevating Concrete Industries with High-Performance Solutions for Over 20 Years.

Experience the Difference: Cure, Seal, Harden, Strengthen, Preserve, and Decontaminate.